UNIFY — Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality Family
“Family is diverse. Family includes ways of life in which people live and experience social responsibility, care and solidarity" (FidH 2023).
As a member, Heidelberg University subscribes to this concept of family from the association “Familie in der Hochschule e.V.” and is guided by it in its work in the service for families, at UNIFY. Heidelberg University has been certified as a "family-friendly university" since 2010 and was last successfully re-audited in 2023. The audit combines measures with the aim of aligning personnel policy and the design of the working environment for employees, academics and students. This is done in such a way that it is possible to reconcile care work with work and studies. The Service for Families is the central point of contact here. It provides regular and flexible childcare and advice on offers for families, as well as study/work organisation during pregnancy and parental leave.