| Antisemitism incident report | https://report-antisemitism.de/ | |
OFEK e.V. Beratungsstelle bei antisemitischer Gewalt und Diskriminierung | Psychosocial counselling centre on antisemitism | https://ofek-beratung.de/ | |
I Report von CLAIM - Allianz gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit | Incident report anti-Muslim racism | https://www.i-report.eu/fall-melden/ | |
MIA - Melde- und Informationsstelle Antiziganismus | Incident report racism against Sinti*zze and Rom*nja | https://www.antiziganismus-melden.de/ | |
trans*support - Fachstelle für trans* Beratung und Bildung e.V. | Incident report discrimination and hate crime against trans* people | https://transsupport.de/vorfall-melden/ | |
| Counselling for those affected by online hate speech / digital violence | https://hateaid.org/betroffenenberatung/ | |
#AbleismusTötet - Ability Watch e.V. | Help and support services for relatives and people affected by ableism (focus: fully residential care homes) | https://ableismus.de/toetet/de/hilfsangebote-beratungsstellen | |