Fundamental basics of antidiscrimination Legal Principles
At Heidelberg University, engagement in the context of antidiscrimination (e.g. in the form of sexist, racist, antisemitic, antimuslim, ableist, trans- or queer-hostile actions or statements), harassment, bullying, stalking and work/study related conflicts is based on various legal and university law principles.
Depending on the individual case, different legal bases apply to incidents. Therefore - in addition to a confidential initial counselling - targeted legal advice with appropriate expertise is recommended.
In addition to applicable laws at federal level, the State Higher Education Act (LHG) sets out requirements for universities at state level and extends the scope of the General Equal Treatment Act in Baden-Württemberg for the area of antidiscrimination to members and affiliates of the university who are not employees (including students) according to § 4a (4).
Further legal foundations for equal opportunities work can be found in the Senate Guideline on Fair Conduct and in the general collection of legal foundations at UNIFY.