Sometimes it is difficult to take the first step of seeking support in a confidential conversation.

As part of GUIDE - the procedure for dealing with conflicts and misconduct at the university - volunteer guides strengthen the anti-discrimination network alongside the already established confidential contact points from autumn 2024 as an initial contact opportunity.

They are familiar with the paths and contact persons at the university and can make targeted referrals. People seeking advice should be able to find support quickly within the university system and choose from various options, allowing them to approach people they trust. The aim is to use a broad network at Heidelberg University to deal with difficulties and misconduct appropriately so that people can work, study, and teach in an environment that is free from discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, stalking, or conflicts.

Professional responses to conflicts and misconduct from the initial contact to prompt and informed counselling for those affected and knowledge within institutions on handling incidents form an important foundation for this.

Active volunteer guides for GUIDE and those seeking advice from guides at the university will find relevant information for their respective concerns and questions here.

Are you interested and would you like to volunteer for GUIDE? The current round of recruitment for the 2024 guides for GUIDE has been completed. The team at the Central Contact Point is always happy to hear from committed people to discuss opportunities for the future.